From sweet and smooth classics, to new names, to old names with new music...the focus here, is to shine a little light on some damn fine music.

I'll find it. You can listen, review, or tell me I wouldn't know good music if it kicked me in the ass. I personally don't give a shit.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Starting Over... in 100 Words

Starting over. Whether it's in your career, a relationship or a document that somehow gets erased from your hard drive, we've all dusted ourselves off and got back to doing it all over again.

In October 1980, John Lennon and Yoko Ono released their Double Fantasy album. Less than two months later, Lennon was murdered. "(Just Like) Starting Over" was the first single released off that album. John thought it was the best representation of where he was in his life, with this album being his first in over five years.

My friend Lance from MyBlogCanBeatUpYourBlog chose this beautiful Lennon song as this week's 100 Word Song Challenge. If you're new to this exercise, we use the song as a prompt to write 100 words of whatever you want. So here we go.

"(Just Like) Starting Over" 

Three months of planning. First in his mind, then sketched on paper, finally a computer image showing every detail, every color. It was nothing more than math really; a little geometry, a little physics, and maybe throw in a little luck.

Six hours so far. Each piece placed carefully, aligning the colors to the blueprint. Nearing the end, Leo could imagine it unfolding.

The media had assembled, it would be a record… if it worked.

“Oh god no.”

The earth shook. A small tremor by California standards, but enough to destroy the domino chain.

Unshaken, Leo began to start again.

Twenty three years since he's gone and there is still a dark hole in my heart. Wish he had more time to be watchin' the wheels go round and round.

My Blog Can Beat Up Your Blog


  1. Proud of you girl,you stayed away from the dark side.Double fantasy was (if one ignores Yoko's schreeching)by far his best music in a long time.Remember that event as if it was yesterday.One cant help but wonder how much more he would have contributed......

  2. LOVE it! My son is obsessed with Rube Goldberg machines, I am guessing this is what you were eluding to?
    Really well done.

  3. OK I'm an idiot, just saw the dominoes. LOL.

    1. You are most certainly not an idiot. And the Goldberg machine reference makes sense too. And thanks. :)

  4. First, I'd never be that patient, and two, if it fell before I finished setting it up, I don't know if I'd want to start all over again.

    1. I could never be that patient, not to mention the aching of my back, knees and legs. If it fell, I'd be cursing in a streak heard across the continent.

  5. You did a great job of creating tension. I was actually nervous!

  6. I love "I was nothing more than math really;" This could be said about so many arts, including music!! Beautiful math. :-) I can totally see my son doing this (though without the CAD drawings... he's only two-and-a-half), seeing it fall, and starting over!

    1. thank you so much. apparently your son has a good degree of patience.

  7. Hi again...

    I was leaving Bermuda, after spending the Christmas & New Year there, in 1980/1981. Anyways - I was at the airport & the barkeep says to me "You Look Like One Of The Beatles" (honestly !!)

    To make him smile, I put $10 in his tray & said "Don't tell anyone until I leave".... !!

    I never did know exactly who he thought I was... but, it really did happen & your picture brought it all back to this old brain of mine. I wonder if the guy told his friends, if he had met one of famous 4 !! Oh well.... I thought I would share with you all !!

    Take care

    1. that's a great story. thanks so much for sharing it.
